K/TK Distance Learning Packet: Chicks - NO PREP PRINTABLES!

That's right - I have another Distance Learning Packet for you, this time with a CHICKS theme! Just like the other ones, in this file, you will find all of the work for one week of school, for TK or Kindergarten for both Math and Language Arts subjects, with some pages specially made to follow the theme of Chicks. We've included a variety of worksheets and activities, so feel free to use any or all of it with your students! Permission is granted to distribute to families in your school or school district.

Again, there are two different packets in one download: One for TK or Kindergarten students who have been in TK all school year, and one for TK or Spring TK students who have only been in school since January. Choose the level that suits your students best! Note: Some items are provided in both color and black and white; just choose one to print and leave the other!

Contents for the TK/Kindergarten Packet - 32 pages:

Language Arts:

1. May Reading Chart (From of our Monthly Read-Aloud set)

2. Hatching Chicks Alphabet Writing pages A-Z and a-z, with examples

3. Alphabet Fluency Chart (W-Z, mix and u-x, lowercase) (From our Alphabet Fluency Chart set)

4. Two sight word worksheets for the word “do” (From our Sight Word Worksheets)

5. One Hidden Sight Word Worksheet for the word "do" (From our Hidden Sight Word worksheets set)

6. One sentence writing page (Use the word "do" in a sentence)

7. One sight word fluency practice chart

8. One beginning sounds worksheet (Q vs. K) (From our Alphabet Worksheets Vol. 2 set)

9. One Chick themed color by CVC short it/ig page (Inspired by our CVC Nonsense Word Worksheets Set 1)


1. One number identification fluency charts (20-30) (From our Number Fluency Charts)

2. One Hidden Numbers count and color page for sets of 23 (From our Hidden Numbers Worksheets set)

3. One Crazy Chick Count writing practice page (1-30)

4. Rhyming Chicks page

5. One Add the Room Activity page and recording sheet

6. Finger Counting Addition, sums to 4 (From our Finger Counting Addition activity)

7. One "What Goes Together" cut and glue worksheet

8. One Chicken and the Egg Patterning worksheet and items to glue down

9. One Chick Hatching Sequencing page

10. One color by shape worksheet, with a variety of shapes (From our Shape Creatures Worksheets)

Contents for Spring TK - 31 pages:

Language Arts:

1. May Reading Chart (From of our Monthly Read-Aloud set)

2. Hatching Chicks Alphabet Writing pages A-Z and a-z, with examples

3. Three vowel review worksheets for E vs. U, with a sound sort page (From our Alphabet Worksheets Vol. 2)

4. Alphabet Fluency Chart (W-Z, mix and U-X, lowercase) (From our Alphabet Fluency Chart set)

5. Two sight word worksheets for the word “do” (From our Sight Word Worksheets)

6. One Hidden Sight Word Worksheet for the word "do" (From our Hidden Sight Word worksheets set)

7. One sentence writing page (Use the word "do" in a sentence)

8. One sight word fluency practice chart

9. One beginning sounds worksheet (Q vs. K) (From our Alphabet Worksheets Vol. 2 set)

10. One rhyming words worksheet


1. One number identification fluency charts (1-10) (From our Number Fluency Charts)

2. One Hidden Numbers count and color page for sets of 11 (From our Hidden Numbers Worksheets set)

3. One Crazy Chick Count writing practice page (1-20)

4. One Add the Room Activity page and recording sheet (Inspired by our Count the Room Winter theme activity)

5. One Finger Counting Addition workmat with instructions (From our Finger Counting Addition activity)

6. One "What Goes Together" cut and glue worksheet

7. One Chicken and the Egg Patterning worksheet and items to glue down

8. One Chick Hatching Sequencing page

9. One color by shape worksheet, with a variety of shapes (From our Shape Creatures Worksheets)


You can get this set TK/K set on my Teachers Pay Teachers store for $3.75! Here's the list of my other Distance Learning packets!

1. Distance Learning TK/Kinder: Easter Eggs + Bunnies! $3.75

2. Distance Learning TK/Kinder: Rainbows + Weather! $3.75

3. Distance Learning TK/Kinder: Earth Day + Recycling! $3.75

4. Distance Learning TK/Kinder: Dairy + Cows! $3.75

(You can get all four sets listed above for one special bundle price $12.50!)

5. Distance Learning TK/Kinder: Flowers! $3.75

6. Distance Learning TK/Kinder: Farm Animals! $3.75

7. Distance Learning TK/Kinder: Insects! $3.75

(You can get four sets, 5-7 + this Chick themed set #8, for one special bundle price $12.50!)

Let me know if you have any questions!

- Heidi :)

P.S. Don't forget all our videos are available to STREAM on UScreen, FREE for the first 30 days!   It's an awesome way to bring some EASY, active learning to your students during this time, and they can always cancel right before they are ever charged, like on day 29! Check out the info page on our website for more info!

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