K/TK Distance Learning Packet: Chicks - NO PREP PRINTABLES!

That's right - I have another Distance Learning Packet for you , this time with a CHICKS theme! Just like the other ones, in this file, you will find all of the work for one week of school, for TK or Kindergarten for both Math and Language Arts subjects, with some pages specially made to follow the theme of Chicks. We've included a variety of worksheets and activities, so feel free to use any or all of it with your students! Permission is granted to distribute to families in your school or school district. Again, there are two different packets in one download : One for TK or Kindergarten students who have been in TK all school year, and one for TK or Spring TK students who have only been in school since January. Choose the level that suits your students best! Note: Some items are provided in both color and black and white; just choose one to print and leave the other! Contents for the TK/Kindergarten Packet - 32 pages: Language Arts: 1. May Reading Chart ( From...