‘Losing is Okay, Too’ Social Story for Good Sportsmanship!

Today I'd like to share with you a new social story, Winning and Losing: Losing is Okay, Too! I created this resource to help children learn to be a good sport and find ways to manage their emotions when they lose a game. It teaches children what they can say and do if they lose a game other than have a meltdown or a tantrum, and helps them to understand that losing really is okay, too! With this printable book, children learn that the fun is found in playing the game, not in winning the game. Unlike many social stories, our HeidiSongs social stories have great illustrations that children will enjoy! This printable book is 16 pages long, and is presented in both color and black and white. Each page can be printed full size at 8.5” x 11”, or four pages to a sheet to save ink and paper. There is also a student size at 4.5" x 3.5", in both color and black and white, with 4 student sized pages to a full page, and lines showing where to cut apart to assemble into a...