Printable Distance Learning Packet for Kindergarten and TK! - Week 1

Hello friends! Today I would like to share TWO 26 page Distance Learning Packets for parents of Kindergarten and TK (Transitional Kindergarten) kids to print and use at home during this time of quarantine due to the Covid-19 virus. Only $3.75 on my TPT store ! Although I am terribly saddened by all of the events that led to this, I am happy to share this with you today! I hope that this will be useful to you in some way! This is actually the packet of work that I came up with to send home with my own students, and an ADDITIONAL PACKET to send home with the children that only started TK in January ("Spring TK"), so they are actually about five months behind us. Spring TK is a program that my district started to give the children that missed the cut-off date for Fall TK a chance to enjoy a half of a year of the benefits that the rest of the children got! (Fall TK is open for kids who turn five between September 2 and December 2; Spring TK is fo...