Shape of the Week Focus Wall Chart!

I am SUPER EXCITED to tell you about our Shape of the Week Focus Wall chart, joining our HeidiSongs Focus Wall for active learners! I love this because since it is designed to go on a pocket chart, it is fully customizable, and includes elements that are active to keep kids engaged. You can use as many or as few parts as you like, so it will work for pre-K through first grade. We even included NINE flat shapes and FOUR solid shapes, so there should be everything that you need in this set.

These are the shapes that we included:

Flat shapes:  circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, hexagon, trapezoid, octagon, pentagon.
Solid shapes:  cube, cone, sphere, cylinder.

This is what my TK (Transitional Kindergarten) focus wall set looks like:

The red pocket chart above was purchased on Amazon in a set of four small pocket charts, and it is 14" x 17".
This is the full set I would use in first grade or Kindergarten, (at least later in the year!)

This particular pocket chart was purchased on Amazon right here.

The long, purple pocket chart in the photo above was purchased on Amazon here, and it is 13 inches wide by 34 inches long. 

What to Do With Each Section:

Shape of the Day/Week:
Read this word card and point to the shape with the class, saying it together.

Show the children the different shape examples, and discuss differences.  For example, rectangles may be shown “sideways” and still be a rectangle, etc.

How Many Sides? 
Count the sides on a LARGE shape together.

How Many Corners? 
Count the corners on a LARGE shape together.  (Use discretion on when/if your students are ready for this skill.)

Are the Sides Equal?
 Discuss and decide. (Use discretion on when/if your students are ready for this skill.)

Flat or Solid:
Explain what this means, using real life examples.  Decide if the shape is flat or solid.

Shape Creature:
Point to the Shape Creature and recite the rhyme together.  Then clap, jump, and count up to the number of sides.

Shape Song:
Chant or sing the shape song, or sing it if you know it! The songs for the flat shapes can be found in our Colors and Shapes collection, available on DVD and our HeidiSongs Video Streaming Site OR in our Shape Creatures Songs collection, available only on our HeidiSongs Video Streaming Site! The songs for the volume shapes are on our Musical Math 1 collection, also available on DVD and our HeidiSongs Video Streaming Site

Note: You will only find a pentagon song in our Shape Creatures Songs collection on our Video Streaming Site, because that one was written later.  Also, two versions of the Circle and Square songs have been provided in this focus wall set.  The first version matches our published version of Colors and Shapes on the DVD and online; the second version has some corrections that are more mathematically correct, but can be sung to the same tune. Once you read them, you’ll see what we mean!

Here's our Hexagon song from our Colors and Shapes collection!

Real Life Objects:  Show the kids the pictures of the real life shape objects, and discuss. Can they think of anything else that is that shape?

Large Shapes: These are provided so that you can more easily count the sides with your students, and drill and practice with them, if you so choose!  (I always tell my kids that we are only looking for STRAIGHT sides, so the round sides don't count.)

This is what my whole focus wall looks like right now, at the beginning of the year in TK! It includes the Letter of the Week and the Number of the Week, and of course the Shape of Week.

Of course, I will be adding sight words as we go along, beginning with the color words and the most basic words, such as "the" and "is," and of COURSE we sing our songs! Check out one of them below!

- Heidi :)

We also have this Shape of the Week Focus Wall Set available on GOOGLE SLIDES! Check them out here!

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