HeidiSongs Benchmark Supplement Packets are HERE!

If you are using the new BENCHMARK ADVANCE ELA curriculum, here’s some great news!   We have started making supplemental packets for the Benchmark Kindergarten Units!  We have also started making some units to supplement Benchmark’s Ready to Advance TK curriculum!  We are very excited about our partnership with Benchmark and their inclusion of our videos in their ELA curriculum; however, please understand that these supplementary packets are not affiliated with Benchmark in any way.  The packets are made up of our existing materials that we have always used to help kids learn with HeidiSongs!  Please note that there is no music nor video included in any of these sets.

So for those of you that already own some of our printable resources, take a good look at what this contains before purchasing, since this is a collection of our EXISTING MATERIALS, pulled together into units to match what Benchmark teaches in their units.  

Benchmark K Phonics (ABC/CVC) Supplemental Materials

Benchmark ABC CVC Kindergarten 1-10

Supplemental materials, morning work, homework, literacy groups, small group activities, flashcards and more! This packet has pages from HeidiSongs products to align with the Benchmark Advance Grade K Phonics Skills.  (Notice, this packet does NOT contain resources for sight words - those are in the packet below.  We decided to split it because it was getting too large and too expensive.  If you only need the sight word items, just skip down to the next section.)

Aligns with Kindergarten Benchmark Unit 1-10 Phonics Skills: Letters A-Z and Short & Long a, e, i, o, u word families

*Although we have licensed some of our videos to Benchmark, this product is not affiliated or sponsored by Benchmark*


* Alphabet Vol. 1 and 2 Workbook and Alphabet Flashcards and Songbook: 4 different worksheets for each letter, including writing practice and visual discrimination, plus upper and lower case alphabet flashcards.  Click on the link to see the specific worksheets.

Alphabet Workbooks

Our Animated Alphabet DVD (seen below) goes along with this very well, and the movies from it are included on Benchmark’s website for those of you whose districts have adopted Benchmark.  If not, you can get it on our website at the link above, or view it via internet streaming on Vimeo here.

* CVC Vol. 1 and 2 Hidden Word Family Worksheets: Children use their visual discrimination, phonics, and reading skills to find the target CVC (consonant – vowel- consonant) word and color in the section that it is in. When finished correctly, the word itself is shown!

CVC Hidden Worksheets

* CVC Vol. 1 and 2 I Spy Easy Reader: A fun way for children to practice reading three letter words and sight words within the context of a short “search and find” story!

I Spy CVC Easy Reader

FYI, our Word Family Songs DVD that teaches kids to read CVC videos is not included in the Benchmark adoption.  I HIGHLY recommend it for helping teach children to blend these consonant-vowel-consonant sounds into words!  Purchase the DVD here, or view it via internet streaming on Vimeo here. And see a video clip below!

* CVC Vol. 1 and 2 Nonsense Word Worksheets: In these worksheets, the children must color the objects or sections in each picture a specific color, depending on whether it is a real word or not.

* CVC Vol. 1 and 2 Word Pockets Activity: designed to give children practice spelling the words without the use of any visual “puzzle” type of clue. Children must look at the three letters given and determine which are the beginning, middle and ending sounds, and put them in the correct order.

* CVC Vol. 1 and 2 Word Puzzles: These “print and build it yourself” CVC Puzzles are designed to give children practice spelling the words. Children must look at the three letters given and determine which are the beginning, middle and ending sounds, and put them in the correct order with the puzzle clue to help.

* CVC Vol. 1 and 2 Workbooks:

– Five different types of reading worksheets plus several sound sort worksheets for each vowel sound unit

– Flash cards in large format for whole group practice, and small format for homework practice

– Worksheets with “fill in the blank” format for writing practice and “cut and paste” format for fine motor fun

– Simple, child-like pictures that are appealing to children and fun to color

– Sound Sort worksheets to help develop phonemic awareness

– Flash cards for sound sorts or games.

CVC Workbooks

* ABC Literacy Centers Ideas: Tips and tricks to help with literacy center group management, and literacy center ideas and instructions

**Please note that I have not had a chance to try out the Benchmark curriculum at all, so I am not saying that it is lacking in any way.  I’m just offering materials that I think will complement theirs, and have put them together into packets that match their units of study.  Again, these packets are not affiliated with the Benchmark Publishing Company.

Benchmark K High Frequency Word (Sight Word) Supplemental Materials

For each word, you’ll find:

– Three Sight Word Worksheets

– One Hidden Sight Word Worksheet

– One Sing Along Songbook page

– One Mini Sing Along Songbook with illustrated movements to the song

– One Cloze Worksheet with the words to the song, but the target sight word either traceable or left out for the kids to fill in, but within the context of the lyrics to the HeidiSongs sight words song, (many of which are included in the Benchmark series.)

– One “Velcro Book” with printable words for kids to rebuild the sight word song.

These “Velcro Books” are a wonderful tool! The kids rebuild the songs by putting the words in the right places, and spell the words into the songs as well! The pieces attach with velcro, and are stored in the envelope on the left side.  They are a lot of prep, but once you have them done, you’ll have a great literacy center that will last a very long time.

The words in the Velcro Book above are the same as in the Sight Word video.  The idea is that the children learn the song well enough to begin to rebuild the song and then point to the words as they try to read (or pretend read) it!  Note that the video below is our “classic style” with me (Heidi!) it, rather than our newer, animated DVDs with our younger, multi-cultural actors and actresses in it.  We still sell both, but Benchmark has chosen the newer animated style for their curriculum.  It’s easy to see why- they are fantastic!

Remember, Benchmark did not adopt a sight word video for every single high frequency word that you will be expected to teach in their program.  If your kids wind up needing the missing videos, just visit us here!

*The sight word worksheet set above is basically the same set of sight word worksheets that are included in the TK packet mentioned below.  We have included different photo samples to look at in the TK section, though!*

Benchmark Ready to Advance TK Unit 1 – Supplemental Materials by HeidiSongs

The TK packet contains HeidiSongs materials to supplement and complement the Benchmark Ready to Advance English Language Arts TK program. Since Ready to Advance also includes math, we have included some math resources as well! Although these materials are aligned with the Benchmark Advance curriculum, this product is not affiliated with Benchmark in any way. Please note that there is no music nor video included in this set. And this is only unit 1! The rest of the units will be done soon.


* Jumpin’ Numbers and Shakin’ Shapes Flashcards Set: These flashcards are used to drill the children on the numbers and shapes. The flash cards have a character embedded into each number or shape, and the children are asked to respond simultaneously with an action and the name of the number or shape when they see it.

Here is a movie of the motions that the kids are taught to do with each card.  You can use this to help you learn what to do with them.

* Concepts of Print Bingo Game and Flashcards: This printable game gives kids a fun way to practice an otherwise “dry” topic. Practice cards for each concept are include, plus instructions and bingo mat masters for each child to play along. The game includes identification of the following items: words, letters, sentences, author, illustrator, front and back covers of a book, title, and title page, and left to right progression.

* Circle Resources:

Sing Along Songbook page for the Circle Song

Counting Creatures Shapes worksheets for the circle only which include 8 different pages: trace; trace and draw different sized circles; find all of the circles, color and count them; color the shapes by color word; trace the word circle, draw circles, and make a picture with a circle in it; and two “follow the circles” maze worksheets.

* Sight Words included this packet are: red, like, the, to
For each word, you’ll find:

– Three Sight Word Worksheets

– One Hidden Sight Word Worksheet

– One Sing Along Songbook page

– One Mini Sing Along Songbook with illustrated movements to the song

– One Cloze Worksheet with the words to the song, but the target sight word either traceable or left out for the kids to fill in, but within the context of the lyrics to the HeidiSongs sight words song, (many of which are included in the Benchmark series.)

– One “Velcro 


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