Color Round Up!

Hi Everyone! Today we have a fun idea to help children better understand the concept of color. This idea would be great to use at home or in the classroom and is very adaptable to teaching other concepts. Paired with the Color and Shapes DVD, this activity would help solidify little ones' understanding of colors and can be easily expanded to align with Common Core Standards for Speaking and Listening. We hope you enjoy!

To play Color Round Up you will need:

1. A large container. We used a plastic bin, but a flat basket or box lid would work as well.

2. An assortment of objects in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and textures.

3. Willing participants!

To play set a time limit (2 to 3 minutes works great) and ask participants to collect all the objects they can that are a particular color and put them in the bin. It is really fun to have children collect the objects themselves from around the room, but a pre selected grouping of items works as well. For us the color was yellow.

Take a few moments to discuss what is in the bin and have participants touch the objects and explore what was found.

Sing the corresponding color song as a group!

Next, set out objects that are similar in all qualities except color. Have the children figure out which object should be added to the bin and why. This is a great spot to encourage conversation between the children and makes this activity easy to align with Common Core Standards.

To close out the activity, sing the color song again and complete a Hidden Color Word worksheet.

This would be a great activity to use when learning shapes or textures.

How else could this idea be adapted? Share your great ideas with us in the comments!

If you'd like to purchase our Colors and Shapes DVD, click here!! :)



Click here to view the Opposites Rhyming book on my website! :)

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