I Spy CVC Words AND Hidden CVC Words Worksheets! (Freebie Alert!)

For those of you that are fans of our Hidden Sight Words worksheets, we have some free samples for you to try out that go along with two new products: our Hidden CVC Words Worksheets, and our new I Spy CVC Easy Reader fold and print books!  These "I Spy CVC Words" books are a GREAT way to teach little ones to focus on comprehension, rather than just "word calling."  Read on to find out more!

First, we took our Hidden Sight Word worksheets and put in CVC words instead!  There are 100 pages in the set for just six bucks!  So now, there is a whole new set of hidden words that you can give your kids to work on!  Kids really love finding and coloring the words hidden inside the puzzle-like pictures.  It's great because they are practically self-correcting, given that if you color it right, the word shows up.

The I Spy CVC Words Easy Reader Books are a brand new creation of mine, and I LOVE the way they turned out!  I decided that it would be great to have another way for kids to practice reading comprehension by reading some printable books with just some VERY easy decodable CVC words and sight words in it, and then try to find the corresponding pictures on the pages.   So this is an idea that I have had buzzing around in my head for quite a while; it was just a little time consuming to get it off the ground.

Once I tried the books out with some kindergartners, I was SO glad that I took the time to figure it all out!  I think that these little books are going to be perfect for the little ones that just need a little more practice reading those CVC words.  I was also careful to avoid using any other sight words that that would probably not know if they were also just learning to sound out words.  They go right along with our very popular CVC books, too- not to mention those wonderful Word Family Songs that help kids learn to sound out words.  Just what the teacher ordered!

This is how I introduced the CVC I Spy books: 

1.  I held up the books and read it with the children in the small group (about six students in each group.)  First they mostly listened, and then we read it again, with more of them chiming in to say it with me.  I realized that it would have been better to have written it out on sentence strips and put it on the pocket chart, though!

2.  Then I demonstrated how I would stop and think about the information I just read on the page.  Then I showed the children how I could find and circle each picture mentioned by name in the book with a pencil- and ignore the rest of them!  After the first group, I quickly decided that having them circle all of the target words FIRST, and then go back and to color them was the best strategy.  Otherwise, many of them got very distracted with the coloring part and just started coloring every picture they saw!

We used Twistable Pencils to color the pictures once we had found all of the pictures that should be circled.

3.  After I demonstrated the procedure, I released the group of children to read their booklets to themselves and circle the pictures.  As they went along, I listened to as many children read as time allowed, and helped them as necessary.  I think it would have been a better exercise of comprehension if I had put up some "testing barriers" in between each child, even though we weren't testing, because several of the struggling learners were simply trying to copy what their classmates were circling rather than attempt to read the words and figure it out themselves.  :0  I appreciated the opportunity to listen to lots of the children read a few pages to me alone and (relatively!) uninterrupted while their friends were coloring.

4.  For my group of very low struggling learners, we did the whole thing together.  We read it aloud together, and then found the words to circle, and then I waited while they circled the words.  Then I had them try to re-read the sentences to me.  Our only problem was that we ran out of time to do this as thoroughly as I might have wished.  Even so, several of the children managed to circle the wrong objects, despite my assistance!  I guess that is what we call following directions and "the achievement gap..."  (sigh).

For the students that were struggling the most, I think next time I would differentiate by giving them only the first page of the book and not the second back page at all.  It would have been enough for these little ones, by the time we sounded out all of the words, read the sentences, found the pictures and circled them, and then re-read the sentences!  Phew!

The word families covered in CVC Vol. 1 are:
Short A (–at), (–an)
Short E (–eg), (–en), (–et)
Short I (–ig), (–in), (–ip), (–it)
Short O (–op), (–ot), (–ox)
Short U (–ug), (–ut), (–un)

The word families covered in CVC Vol. 2 are:
Short A (-ap), (-ag), (-ad)
Short E (-ed), (-em)
Short I (-id), (-im)
Short O (-od), (-og)
Short U (-um), (-ud), (-ub), (-up)

To purchase the Hidden CVC Worksheets , Vol. 1 click here and Vol. 2 click here! You can download a free sample of the Hidden CVC Words Worksheets here.  There are FOUR of them! To purchase the I Spy CVC books, Vol. 1 click here and Vol. 2 click hereAnd, you can download a sample of the I Spy CVC Words Easy Readers here.  Enjoy!

And did you see these great clips from our Colors and Shapes DVD?  I'm sooo excited because this DVD is totally animated with authentic children's artwork!

We found these young folks working at the parades and shows at Disneyland!  We know where to get our talent from, uh huh!  And do you recognize that leprechaun in that Green Song?  It's a freebie on my blog from a couple of years back!

The polar bear in the White Song above is also a freebie from another blog post, too!  Tee hee! I just love this stuff!

- Heidi :)

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