Erase-a-Rhyming Number or Shape Freebie!

Today I am happy to share a new FREE activity that helps kids practice rhyme, numbers, and shapes all at the same time!  It’s called Erase a Rhyming Number or Shape, but the activity can be done by erasing, tracing, or even just writing and drawing!  So this one is wide open for differentiation, and I have provided the different masters to make it easier for you all in the same, single download.

Many of the rhymes in this activity were created and shared by several of my HeidiSongs Fan Page Facebook Friends that happened to log on and help out by suggesting rhymes for this project on September 24, 2017!  I couldn’t have done it without you!  A very special thanks to Sheila Marie Daughtry, who came up with nearly ALL of the rhymes for the shapes during a bout of insomnia, bless her heart!  If you would like to check out this post, you can find it here.

This project was inspired by my original Erase-a-Rhyming Letter post, that you can find right here!

It’s also free, and was created in just the same way, with brainstorming help from fans just like you!

So here’s how this activity works.  In the Erase-a-Rhyme game, the teacher writes the numbers and shapes on a dry erase board at the front of the room.  The teacher then reads the rhyme, and the children guess the rhyming number or shape.

Children raise their hand to guess the answer, and if they guess correctly, may come up to the front and erase that number or shape on the dry erase board. This is the easiest version, of course!

Still another version is Trace-a-Rhyme, for our youngest learners!  In this version, the children listen to the rhyme and guess the answer.

They raise their hands to share their answers, and when the correct answer is given, they may all trace the correct number or shape.  I suggest that you project the tracing paper so that the children may follow along, just in case they are not sure which number or shape is which.

The game can also be played as a Draw-a-Rhyme game.  This is the hardest version, of course!  In this case, the teacher would read the rhyme, and the children would guess the number or shape that the clue is referring to, and then write it on their own personal white boards or papers.  A blackline master has been provided for you so that there is a spot for each number and a box for each shape.  I don’t have any pictures of this one since it’s a little advanced for my TK kiddos!

I also made a “hybrid version” of the trace and draw game, so that kids could write their own numbers, but just trace the shapes.  Some of them can be pretty hard to draw!

I hope that you enjoy this activity! (Download here!) If you have an idea for another one, let me know!  This was fun to put together!

– Heidi

P.S. We have number formation songs on our Number Jumble DVD and shape songs on our Colors and Shapes DVD if you’re looking for some more number and shape learning tools!

Don't forget all our videos are available to STREAM on UScreen, FREE for the first 30 days! It's an awesome way to bring some EASY, active learning to your students during this time, and they can always cancel right before they are ever charged, like on day 29! Check out the info page on our website for more info!

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