Mega Bloks Alphabet & Beginning Sounds Match Idea

Here’s a fun idea for those Mega Bloks that are sitting in a tub, just waiting to be put to good use!  It’s my Mega Bloks Alphabet and Beginning Sounds Match Idea!  It’s easy-peasy and so much fun for the kids to put together! And if you already have our Alphabet Workbook Volume 2, then you already have what you need!


1. You will need a good supply of Mega Bloks.  This set that I have linked to has 150 pieces, but I cannot guarantee that they are all the correct sizes to make this set.  You may need to improvise, making some letters with two beginning sound pictures and others with five, etc.  I actually inherited a big tub of Mega Bloks, and I sifted through it to get the specific pieces that I wanted to make my set.

I tried to make sure that I had a few of every color.  So A-F might all be red, and G-L might all be yellow, etc.  This turned out to be extremely helpful to the children in figuring out which ones go together, so I highly recommend this!  However you choose to put it together, I also suggest that you start by making sure that your beginning sound set will fit nicely into one tub that you can store before taping down the pictures. 

2. You will need some very small pictures of objects that begin with each letter sound, plus the letters printed out (or you could just write them on.  I used the small flash cards from my Alphabet Workbook Volume 2 ($10 download) and printed the pictures out at about 75% in order to make them fit easily on the blocks.  I printed them on cardstock.

3. Once you have the correct blocks, letters and beginning sound pictures printed and cut out, you’ll just need to find some time to tape it all down onto the blocks!  I used plain old scotch tape and sat in front of the television to get it done.  I did not laminate the papers ahead of time or anything like that.  I let the tape itself serve as the lamination, and it seems to be holding up!  We have used this set MANY times, and nothing has come off!

To use:
We have been doing this with volunteers in my TK class, but I am sure that Kindergartners would be just fine doing this on their own, as would my students in a month or two!  For now, as long as I have the help, I would prefer to have an adult there to guide them if possible!

To get started, each child should take one “set” to put together, such as all of the reds, yellows, greens, or blues.  Once the child is done, he or she may show the adult to make sure that there are no mistakes before taking it apart, and then go on to a new color set.

The kids seem to love building tall towers to see how many letters and sounds they know.  Super fun!

Good luck with this, and enjoy!

– Heidi

P.S. Here are some videos from our Letters and Sounds collection, available on DVD and on our HeidiSongs Video Streaming Site!

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