FREE Growth Mindset Posters for Young Children

I recently heard of the term, "Growth Mindset" and I'm excited to teach this wonderful positive way of thinking to my students next year.  To help teach it, I decided to make some posters and share them with you!

Of course, I found several paid items on TPT that are beautiful, but look like they will require a lot of ink.  So I decided to save my money for my new flexible seating items (more on that later!) and just print out my own version of the Growth Mindset posters in black and white, but on some bright, colored cardstock that I already had on hand.  I hope that they are useful to you!

If you are not familiar with Growth Mindset, the idea is pretty simple.  Both adults and children are trained to think in terms of mistakes being tools that help us grow, rather than something we avoid.  Also, we try to remember that it's effort that makes the difference rather than innate talent.  So, we avoid telling kids, "You are SO SMART," or "You are SO GOOD AT THAT!"  Instead, we say, "You really worked hard on that; you must have used some great strategies!"

This encourages them to keep trying and persevere through mistakes rather than give up, thinking, "Well, I'm just not a math person," etc.  A great book to read on this is Mindset by Carol Dweck.  I've been listening to it on Audible while I drive around running errands.  I love the book and I LOVE Audible- and listening to Podcasts, too!  If you haven't tried this method of regaining some lost time, I highly recommend it.

Below shows all the different posters! Click here to download them for FREE!

I am also including the file for Wiggles as a FREE download here! It's tiled so that you can print it in four pieces and then glue or tape them together. Here are some pictures to help! :)

Print and cut out the 4 pieces.

Line up the face pieces so they over lap. Glue or tap the pieces in place.

Line up the body pieces, also overlapping. Tape or glue them in place.

Line up and tape/glue the head to the body, also overlapping.

Ta Da! He's ready for the wall! :)

These are my Wiggles books! We read one of these Wiggles books nearly every day as a way of teaching and reviewing the procedures and rules. Implementing Wiggles into the Growth Mindset board just seems to work perfectly!! :)

And here is my Pinterest Growth Mindset Board! :) Follow me!

Follow Heidi's Growth Mindset Board on Pinterest.

Here are some examples of Growth Mindset books!

Again, here is the link to download my Growth Mindset Posters!
And here is the link to download the Wiggles Bulletin Board pieces!

I hope you enjoy these resources!! Like I said, I am really looking forward to implementing this positive thinking method into my class this year. If you have any great ideas or resources to share on Growth Mindset, be sure to let us know!  I think I'm going to need to write a song about it!  LOL!

- Heidi

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