A Color Word Letter Sort - FREEBIE!

A few years ago, I developed this activity when I was trying to have the children look for certain letters of the alphabet in environmental print, such as magazines and newspapers.  The problem that we were having was that the children who came to the center first would tend to find the majority of the largest and “best” letters in the magazines, and by the time the last group came to the center, there was almost nothing left in those magazines for them to cut out and sort!  So I decided to solve this problem by printing out some words in large print that would be meaningful to them- namely, the color words printed in color!

A Color Word Sort FREEBIE!

In the activity, children can cut the letters apart and sort them by the letter of the alphabet.  This is meant to mimic the activity in which children search for large letters in environmental print, such as magazines and newspapers. For children that are learning to read the color words, these words qualify as environmental print for them.  It also helps them focus on each letter found in each word, and they often sing the color word songs from my Sing and Spell the Sight Words Vol. 2 and Colors and Shapes DVD as they sort!  My kids really enjoyed it, and I am including it as a free download here for you today!!


1.  Copy the word “red” onto red construction paper, the word “blue” onto blue construction paper, etc.  You will need about three to four words per child minimum.  I usually duplicate more than enough and save the extras to use the following year, or share them with another class.

2.  Cut the words apart so that each child can choose and cut out one word at a time.

3.  Put the words into baskets, and place glue and scissors on the table as well in preparation.

Color Word Lettet Sort! - HeidiSongs

4.  Duplicate one of each of the Alphabet Glue-On pages, and pin or tape them onto a nearby wall so that the children will be able to reach them easily to glue on their letters.  (You may want to have an extra copy of the letter Ee page, because this one tends to get filled up and then you may need an extra.)

Color Word Letter Sort - HeidiSongs Freebie

5.  When you are done, you may want to discuss with the children why there is nothing glued on to the letter Qq page, etc.  Have fun!


Here's another FREEBIE, slight variation you could try - Color Word MATCHING! It's just so easy, and so important! Kids just match up the colored paper with the color word. I have enough sets to give everyone in a small group one. Sometimes, I even send sets home for homework.⁠

 - Heidi :)

Here's The WHITE Song from Sight Words Vol 2 and the Colors and Shapes DVD!

A Color Word Letter Sort FREEBIE! - HeidiSongs

P.S. Don't forget all our videos are available to STREAM on UScreen, FREE for the first 30 days! It's an awesome way to bring some EASY, active learning to your students during this time, and they can always cancel right before they are ever charged, like on day 29! Check out the info page on our website for more info!

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