2013 HeidiSongs Video Contest Winners!

This year we received so many wonderful video contest entries, that is it was almost impossible to choose!  In fact, we are thinking of letting everyone vote next year and count the number of "likes" on YouTube to determine the winner!  We are sorry that it took so long to come up with a winner, but getting all of the videos posted online took a while, so that was the cause of the delay.  And so now, without further ado, here is our big winner of the $300 in HeidiSongs Products!

Grand Prize Winner!
Three Fires Elementary - Active Learners sing-along

I think that my husband Greg got it right when he decided to name this entry "Active Learners Sing Along," LOL!  I love the way all of the children in this class are totally involved and engaged with every song.  They are moving and bouncing that carpeted area while they learn, and are obviously extremely happy while they are doing it.  And it just goes to show you- YOU DON'T HAVE TO SIT DOWN TO LEARN!  Bravo!  A very special thanks to Kelly Bidinger's PreKindergarten class!

First Runner-Up - Number Word Song
Grover Elementary School - Zero the Hero

Everyone seems to like Zero this year, and this class is no exception!  Check out the pure enthusiasm and JOY coming from the faces of this class- it's incredible!  These kids look and sound like they are trying to conjure up the REAL Zero the Hero- and for goodness sake, they DID!!!!  Now THIS is a fun loving teacher, LOL!  Thanks to Laura Brown's Grover Elementary School class!

Hamilton Elementary School - Zero the Hero 
Oh, the unbridled enthusiasm of these children as they sing and dance just makes me happy as I watch it!  It also makes me want to call up my co-song writer and good friend Mike Cravens and invite him over for a viewing party so we can sit and watch all of these beautiful children enjoy our handiwork.  Moreover, I don't think that ANY of these children will EVER forget how to spell zero ever again, LOL! Thanks to Chanda Bartlett's Hamilton Elementary School class!

Honorable Mention -
Milton-Union School - Zero the Hero

These children have really got this song down, and they look mighty happy as they sing and dance!  I loved especially watching them end the song, as they "flew away" and then several of them just about left the planet as they jumped for joy.  Well done!  It makes me want to go visit and sing and dance along with them! Thanks to Lynne Busse's Milton-Union School Kindergarten class!

Honorable Mention -
Cane Creek Elementary - Zero the Hero

Oh, my goodness!  Do these little ones love to sing or what????  And those capes are just so cute!  Those kids are SO well trained; they have that ending down PAT!  I am very impressed!  I think that we could have heard a pin drop when they all curled up into a ball to show us their capes at the end.  Well done, and thanks to Lesley Worsham's Cane Creek Elementary Kindergarten class!

First Runner-Up - Sight Word Song
Stockton Elementary School - "but"

I know that learning can be fun, but these students make it COOL as well.  In fact, they are SO cool that I couldn't stop giggling the whole time I was watching!!!!  I LOVE the shades and the new moves, and I especially love the way they point to the camera at the end at their teacher's prompting.  Priceless!  I could surely learn a smooth move or two from them, that's a fact! Oh, how I wish I could visit this class and sing a few songs with them!  Thanks to Damaris Woodbury's class from Stockton Elementary!

Honorable Mention -
Friendship Elementary School - The "as" Song

This is very cute, and I just loved watching the way the kids were jumping up and down like grasshoppers in front of the big screen in their classroom!  Way to go, kids!  My class loves this song, too!  Thanks so much to Jeremy Wells's class!

Honorable Mention -
Minnie Gant Elementary - The "house" Song
These little ones don't need us to turn up the volume on this song; they've done it for us!  I love their enthusiasm, and I the little blondie in front is especially cute!  They did a wonderful job!  Thanks to Barbara Muha's Kindergarten class!

Honorable Mention -
Alliance Early Learning School - The "love" Song
The timing on this entry was just perfect, as it arrived on Valentine's Day!  It also really cheered me up, since it had a special message for me at the end.  So sweet!!!  Thank you so much, and thanks to Amanda Hennon's Kindergarten class!  You made my day!

Honorable Mention -
Oasis Charter Elementary School - The "it" Song
These little cuties have got the moves AND the words down on this song!  I loved the way they were all singing their little hearts out, and I am sure that they can ALL spell the word "it" now, too!  Great job, and thanks to April Wolfe's class from Oasis Charter Elementary School!

Honorable Mention -
Goodview Elementary School - The "have-go" Song
I love the excitement on their faces as the children sing these songs, which are also some class favorites from my own students!  I think that my favorite part is the little one that is singing the word "have" just a little bit late each time, and so it winds up being her solo.  So cute!  And the enthusiasm on their faces is just adorable.  Thanks for sharing it with us!  Thanks to Natalie Mehling's class!

First Runner-Up - Color Sight Word Song
Tricon Elementary - "orange"

How wonderful to get a video from all the way up in Newfoundland, Canada!  I love the way most of the little ones came dressed in orange for the video, too.  The little girl on the far left of the screen is such a cutie with her enthusiasm.  Love it!  Thanks so much for sharing that with us, Donna Barrett's Kindergarten class!

Honorable Mention - 
Washington-Kosciusko Elementary - The "white" Song
Oh, how much fun it would be to actually let my students play in REAL snow!  Oh, well, I'll just have to enjoy this wonderful video of these students singing the White Song in the snow, and then running off to play in it.  Now that's MY kind of teacher!!!  Great job, and thanks to Katrina Glick's class!  I love it!

First Runner-Up - Phonics Song
Columbia Elementary - "Bossy E"

Here's another entry from a former HeidiSongs grand prize video winner, Kerri Rea!  I love that she sent us a video of her class doing one of our newer DVD's, Sounds Fun Phonics.  Her kids are very enthusiastic singers this year, just like before.  Thanks to Kerri Rea's class!

Honorable Mention - 
Taylor Elementary - The "Ea / Ee - Whee" Song
I bet these kids don't even know that they are being given a phonics lesson with this song, ha ha!  They are doing a great job singing and boogieing to the beat, too!  I especially love it when I receive videos of boys participating whole heartedly.  Thanks so much to Kristin Moritz's class!

First Runner-Up - Letter/Sound Song
Hildebran Elementary - The "B" Song

This is a really cute video with the kids all dressed up as little bumble bees!!!  I love the extra effort that they put into their little antennae, wings, and many of them in yellow shirts, too!  And they must have a really great teacher, because she did a beautiful job teaching her little Pre-Kinders to sing and move along to the music.  It's perfect for springtime; thanks for sending it in!  Thanks to Christian Underwood's PreK class!

Honorable Mention - 
Our Lady's Christian School - "O, L, C, S" Song
This clever teacher picked out the very best of the alphabet songs and had her kids sing them for us- great idea!  These songs are always amongst the favorite alphabet songs in my room, too! And her students did a great job, performing them for us.  Well done!  Thanks to Janet Blakeslee's Kindergarten class!

First Runner-Up - Number & Shape Song
St. John Lutheran School - The "20" Song

This video is hilarious!  These children obviously love this song, and they especially love the part where they get a chance to point to their "bunty."  I especially appreciate that the teacher let videotaped them twice to let different children be in front each time.  Nice touch!  :)  Thanks to Julie Snow's St. John Lutheran School class!

Honorable Mention - 
Washington-Kosciusko Elementary - The 1-100 Song
They are 100 days smarter, and we can tell!  This wonderful group of kinders made some special Hundreds Day hats and put on a show for us.  Thanks so much to Katrina Glick's Kindergarten class for sharing this great video with us!  Everybody likes the 1-100 song- it's a classic!

Honorable Mention - 
Mary Helen Guest Elementary - The Rhombus Song
These kids certainly know their shapes, and they DEFINITELY know how to cha-cha, LOL!  I love the looks on their faces as they grin at the camera and get ready to shake it!  Thanks so much to Barb Ozminkowski's class!

First Runner-Up - Extra Special
Little Learners singing Sight Words

Oh my goodness!  Watching this video just brings back memories of raising my own little girls!  They LOVED to play dress up and sing along with songs and movies!  And these beautiful little girls look like they are just the same!  This is a wonderful clip that shows how even very young children enjoy and can benefit from videos like these. These little girls are blessed to have such a good mom that will provide such a wonderful, enriching environment.  Thanks to the Marshall Family!

Honorable Mention - 
Little Learner 1-100 sing-along video
Oh my goodness, little Emma is just the cutest little girl EVER in her little jammies, and I just LOVE to see her singing and dancing with her daddy!  Just watching her sing and dance along in her little diaper just warms my heart.  I love it!  And I especially loved it when she said, "Night, night, Heidi!" at the end!  So sweet, and a blessing to watch.  Thanks to Wells Family for sending it in!

Thanks so much to all of you who entered the contest!  We can't wait until next year to do it again!

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