TK Distance Learning Packet: SPRING - FOOD GROUPS Theme - Week 7

Here's my Spring Week 7 Distance Learning packet for TK ! My packet this week has a FOOD GROUP theme!! In this file, you will find all of the work for one week of school for TK, with some worksheets that will work for Kindergarten, for both Math and Language Arts subjects. We've included a variety of worksheets and activities, so feel free to use any or all of it with your students! Even though we call them Distance Learning packets, if you're transitioning back into in-person teaching, or have a hybrid method going, these packets will be helpful and useful for you! :) This week focuses on reviewing Letters A-Z, reviewing Numbers 0-20, letter fluency practice for letters M-Z lowercase, Cow Udder Alphabet Writing A-Z, capitals*, Food Matching Sets worksheet 10-20, Number Fluency Chart: 13-17, Shapes fluency practice, Dice Addition activity, "I Like Vegetables!" Easy Reader, Sorting: Dairy vs. Non-Dairy*, Sound Sort E vs. U worksheet*, Sentence Writing practic...