HUNDREDS DAY THEME! Distance Learning Packets for TK - Winter WEEK 10!

Ready for some HUNDREDS DAY activities??? This is my Winter Week 10 Distance Learning packet for TK ! This is a great packet to use for the 100th Day of School week! In this file, you will find all of the work for one week of school for TK, with some worksheets that will work for Kindergarten, for both Math and Language Arts subjects. We've included a variety of worksheets and activities, so feel free to use any or all of it with your students! This week focuses on the letter T, Number 100 , for the 100th day of school, the sight word " orange ", Letter Ladder fluency practice for letters A-T, Number Fluency Chart: 10-13, Shapes practice: trapezoid & hexagon fluency practice, Sentence Writing Practice: "I can eat 100...", and Rhyming Number Writing 2-13. Hands on activities include Shape Memory Game with cups, One hundred dots craft, Hundred's Day Ten, Frames and Stamps, Torn paper 100 craft, Hundred's Day Easy Reader, Paint or Color 100 Flow...