How to Make Clay Snowmen with Young Children

Teaching children to make snowmen out of clay is really not that hard! Here are step by step instructions on how to make kiln fired clay snowmen with children as young as four or five years old in small groups. You will need access to a kiln and about ten to fifteen pounds of white clay for a class of twenty-four children. (Do not buy the red clay for white snowmen!) You will also need at least one week for the snowmen to dry before they can be fired in the kiln, and then another day to glaze them in the classroom before they can be fired again. So the absolute minimum amount of time needed to complete this clay project is a week and a half, but it can be completed more comfortably in two weeks. I always try to give myself a month, just so that if anyone is absent on the day that we make the clay project, I have a few days to make it up, and then plenty of the “wiggle room” I always need to find the time to get the snowmen loaded and unloaded in the kiln....