New! Handmotion Posters to Supplement the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program!

Today I am happy to announce that I have FINALLY finished up a complete collection of ALL of the hand motion posters to supplement the Michael Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program ! If you have been trying to implement this wonderful phonemic awareness program, but are having trouble interpreting and remembering the motions that are described within the book, then this is great news! Naturally, these movements could be used with ANY phonemic awareness program, because when the body moves, the brain remembers. Right? Our set of Handmotion Posters to Supplement the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program includes posters for nine different skills: Rhyming Identifying beginning sounds Identifying ending sounds Identifying middle sounds Adding phonemes (or syllables, words, etc.) Deleting phonemes (or syllables, words, etc.) Substituting phonemes (or syllables, words, etc.) Blending phonemes Segmenting words Posters are included in both co...