A Muffin Man Nursery Rhyme STEM Project!

Here is a great Muffin Man themed STEM project to add to your nursery rhyme unit! It is creative, fun, and only takes a few basic materials. Of course, since it is a literacy based activity, it could also be considered a STREAM project (Science, Technology, Reading Engineering, Arts, Math). All you need are some leftover muffin liners of various colors and designs, paper, markers or crayons, glue, and some imagination! You'll have your kids creating muffin boys, girls, dogs, bunnies, babies, creatures, and anything else they can think of! This is wonderful project took almost NO PREP time at all! All I did was set out the muffin liners and other supplies. I also had some volunteers fold a few of the muffin liners in thirds to facilitate the making of limbs and other long, straight objects. They also folded a few of the liners in half. This was because I did the project with my Transitional Kindergartners (TK), and I thought th...