How I Taught My First Graders 300 Sight Words- and My Second Graders 600!

300 sight words is a LOT to learn- but that is what most schools seem to require in first grade these days. And my second graders have to master 600! But if a child is already struggling, what can you do to help? Here is a list of my best strategies, tips, and tricks that I am using with my first and second graders to help them master these words so that they can say them immediately on sight. I am including a free download of the list of words that we are working on as well, just in case you find it helpful! Read on for the downloads! Break the List into Smaller Chunks Three hundred new words is an overwhelming amount to give any child to learn, whether they are in first grade, second grade, or beyond. The most important thing you can do to help a struggling learner is to avoid giving them too many words to learn all at the same time. Even if a child is fortunate enough to have a parent that is willing to help, ...