How to Teach Kids to Put Together a Puzzle!

Do your students come to Pre-K or Kindergarten already knowing how to put together a basic puzzle? Many of my students need help mastering this problem solving skill. I don’t know why, but it always surprises me each year when children need lessons on how to put together a puzzle. I just assume that their parents have taught them this at home, but there are always a BUNCH of them that really have no idea! I’m sure that many children don’t have these ordinary puzzles at home. Perhaps some children have a few puzzles, but their parents never taught them how to best use them, or maybe it’s both? And it could also be that their parents tried to teach them, and the children either didn’t understand it or weren’t developmentally ready to really learn and remember it. The “Digital Native” gets acquainted with this thing his teachers call “a puzzle.” And maybe we have all gone “so digital” that children seem to instinctively know how to pl...