Common Core Literacy Centers: CVC Legos!

Today I am going to tell you about a very simple idea that I call CVC Legos! These CVC Legos make a great literacy center activity for children to practice reading and matching CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words to their pictures, which is a Common Core skill. Meanwhile, I have to tell you that last weekend I presented at the International Reading Association Conference in San Antonio, Texas, and it was an absolute blast and a fabulous experience! I met people from all over the world, and BOTH of my sessions were completely FULL! Nothing is better to a presenter than a full session! I love it when that happens because there is so much energy in the room, and I feel so appreciated! Plus, there were lots of wonderful teachers that came up and thanked me for “all of my hard work and valuable information.” And that makes all of the time I have spent on all of this stuff worthwhile! Ah, the famous San Antonio RiverWalk is lovely!...