A NEW HeidiSongs CVC Book is HERE!!!!

Happy Summer, everyone! I hope that by now you are all finished with the school year and are done for the summer! Today I am going to tell you about a brand new resource for teaching consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words that we finished just a month or so ago- our CVC Book, Volume 2 !!!! I have been wanting to create a second volume of this book now for quite a while, but there are so many important projects on my "to do" list that they all get piled up and then things take longer than we want them to. But this one was finished in May, just in time for me to try it out with my kiddos for a little bit before releasing it to you here. This book follows the format of our first very popular CVC Workbook Vol. 1 , but includes new word families that were not included in the first book. • Short A (–ad), (–ag), (–ap) Family Words: bag, gag, jag, lag, mag, rag, sag, tag, wag, bad, dad, fad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad, cap, gap, lap, map, nap, sap, tap, yap, zap...