Teaching Kids About GERMS!

Last month in January, I felt like a bit like a "sitting duck" in my classroom, just waiting to get sick! There were so many children coughing and sneezing, and there were so many runny noses that I was certain that it was only going to be a matter of time before I would certainly fall ill with the very same thing. It is so very difficult to get children into the habit of covering their coughs and sneezes, and it is so frustrating to tell them to do so, over and over and over again- only to have your instructions repeatedly ignored. So, I decided to try to develop some lessons on germs, with the goal of communicating the importance of NOT SPREADING THEM clearly to the children, in a way that they could really understand. But before I get into that, I would like to share a few more of our video contest entries with you! Time is running out, so get them in by Feb. 29th! Competition is really good this year, and you can see even more videos at our YouTube channe...