Six Weeks Down: Counting Creatures!!

Well, I don’t mind telling you that it’s been a tough week, and Friday couldn’t have come soon enough! I had to make a heart wrenching decision on Tuesday to put my older beloved dog “Hunny Bun” down due to congestive heart failure, as she was suffering greatly. But knowing this didn’t help my broken heart at all; she was my baby, and she was born in our house! Needless to say, the tears didn’t stop falling for a couple of days, and I keep finding them welling up in my eyes even now. Luckily, the kids themselves are a good distraction from this type of grief, as is teaching itself! And as hard as it is to force myself to get up in the morning and just GO and DO IT, it is much better if I do! Just as I assumed they would, their bright smiles were the perfect distraction from a very difficult, emotional situation. To make matters worse, my district seems to have gone DIBELS crazy, and planned a training for the afternoon of our weekly Compac...