Pirate Day: Ar!

For our last day of school, last year we had our very first Pirate Day! It really was a blast- simply the very best last day of school I have ever had in all of the years that I have been teaching! I have been waiting to blog about it so that it would be closer to the end of the school year for most of you. If you have been following my blog this year, you will notice that the pictures of the children are a bit unfamiliar. That’s because they are pictures of my students from last year! Hopefully, it will not already be too late for you to use these ideas, but if so, then maybe you can file the ones you like away for next year and go enjoy your summer! Below are the activities that we did for our Pirate Day. We did each one during our small group rotation. I had no trouble getting lots of volunteers to come and help out on that day, given that it was a special “party type” of day. I also asked for donations of plastic ...