Frog Blog!

Well, spring is finally popping out all over in my classroom, even though it really doesn’t feel like it too much outside! We spent the week learning about the life cycle of the frog, and then kicked off our unit on community helpers by learning about fire fighters and having a big school wide earthquake drill on Thursday. Ah, Kindergartners just don’t understand very much about these things, do they? Even after we went though the whole “duck and cover” routine and accompanying explanation, and then exited the building, there were still questions such as “When will the earthquake start?” floating around the grassy area where we were all assembled for the drill. LOL! 1. A Frog and Tadpole Art Project We started our unit on the life cycle of the frog with a tadpole project on Monday and a frog project on Tuesday. I am sharing the patterns for these projects with you today, just for fun. The frog in particular is one of t...