Holiday Week, Short and Sweet! Week #24

This week, I only taught on Tuesday, since Monday was Presidents’ Day, and I had to fly out for to Oklahoma on Wednesday! I am scheduled to present at SDE’s Oklahoma Pre-K and Kindergarten Conference in Oklahoma City, so I wrote this blog entry early last weekend. Therefore, I decided to write about the answers to the top few questions that I seem to always get asked. Plus, I also threw in a section with some free downloads that I have been saving for a busy week just like this one! Hopefully, I’ll get to meet some really great people and pick up a few new ideas that I can pass along to you next week. Enjoy! 1. “Fishin’ for Addition” (And diamonds and hearts, too!) I made up these worksheets last month when I made the previous one with the stars on it that I gave away in January. I am giving you now the ones with the diamonds, hearts and fish on them, since they are very appropriate for this time of year! Find them h...