Happy New Year!

Well, we’re wrapping up another calendar year, and getting ready to go back to see our little "Kindies" again! For me, that’s next week on Monday. So this week, I’ll be telling you about some things that I have planned for next week. This past week, my husband and I started making fresh video tapes of Sing and Spell Volumes One and Two ! He is working on making them available as digital media, for use with interactive whiteboards and custom Powerpoint presentations for teachers who would rather use this in their classrooms than DVDs! This will give you the ability to customize your lessons by rearranging the songs in any order, just by moving the song slides around to your liking. I think that this will be a great tool! Here is a picture of me in our “studio” which is our really just our garage!!! 1. Winter Themes I always begin my unit on winter when the children come back from school in January. So we begin by learning the Winter song from Little Songs for La...