The Calendar Book

Have you ever heard of the Calendar Book? The Calendar book is not a game, but a daily activity that can be done whole group. When you do the Calendar Book with your class, the children have their own calendar books that they fill in as you update the class calendar each day, or as close to daily as you can get. The Calendar Book can have as few or as many pages in it as you like. The general idea is that it starts out simple near the beginning of the year, and then you add a new component (or page to do) each month. Of course, the more components you add to it, the longer it takes a class to complete it. So you can “tweak it” to make it last as long as you want it to last. Usually, a calendar book contains (at least) a copy of the monthly calendar, to which the children add the date. Then after that, usually there would be a 1-100 chart to which the children add one number each day when the teacher adds a number to the big one on the...