Leveling Reading Books

Recently, someone asked me how to correctly identify the reading level of a book, and what levels were appropriate for Kindergarten. So I thought that I would share this information on my blog, just in case anyone else out there was wondering, too. I am always interested to hear what reading levels are expected of Kindergarten children in different parts of the country, so if you would like to comment and share what levels are expected at your school, please do so! There are several different systems for leveling books. If you look on this site, http://bookwizard.scholastic.com , you can easily see the difference. First, look in the upper right corner of the page for these words: Grade Level Equivalent Lexile Framework for Reading Guided Reading DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) These are four different systems of leveling books. In other words, what we have here are four different ways of saying the same thing. All you have to do is type in the name of a ...