Turning Hidden Sight Words Into a Puzzle

Today's great idea come from Christian! Her submission was a runner up in our Idea Contest. I hope you enjoy this great new take on our Hidden Sight Word Worksheets! Her idea is great for learning at home and at school.

I will put our idea contest submissions in italics and my thoughts in regular type.  You can see how this sight word puzzle works in this video below!

Christian writes:

This idea turns the sight word coloring pages into child created sight word puzzles. I completed this activity with my daughter, Julianna, who just turned 4. She loved this activity and was very pleased with her work. I am excited about doing this activity with my PreK class at school in the coming weeks.

 1. Julianna colored the "is" sheet

2. While she was coloring, we talked about the word "is" and I colored all the other words on another copy of the "is" sheet. When I was finished, I had the word "is" left in white on my paper. I put my paper into a report cover. It will serve as the base for the "is" puzzle.

3. I cut out the i and s that she colored. Then Julianna snipped the lines dividing the letters, cutting them into individual pieces with the word is.

4. Using the page in the report cover as a base, Julianna put the pieces back together to make the word is.

I have used your products for 7 or 8 years, in kindergarten, 1st grade, and preK. No matter the grade level, they have made a huge impact on my teaching and my students' learning. Thanks for such wonderful products!



Thanks Christian and Julianna for sharing your great idea! How have these fantastic ladies inspired you to use our hidden sight word worksheets?


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