TK Lesson Plans, Week Four: What’s Working?

Here are my best lessons from week four of Transitional Kindergarten, also known as TK! We had a great week working on the letter A, the number two, the shapes, matching sets, scissor skills, and learning how to spell the sight word “the.”  I can’t wait to tell you all about it, so here we go!

Finding the Letter A
Visual discrimination is a big part of learning the letters, and so is the development of fine motor skills.  So I decided to see how the children would do on this Find the Letter worksheet.  Although many of them still made a few mistakes, over all I was pleased with the result!  I also really enjoyed the creativity of their coloring!  LOL! (These are a $4 download!!)

Working on the Number Two
We started working on recognizing and writing the number two, as well as counting out sets of twos.  It went very well, and using the little number writing song from Number Jumble helped a lot!  It goes like this:  “Start up high, rainbow bright, down the slide, straight line right!”  The number writing pages below are from Counting Creatures 0-10.

Here’s an example of our number writing songs from the Number Jumble DVD. This is Number 3!

The Shape Book
We started working on this Shape Song Book last week, and finished it up this week.  We’ve been singing the song every day, and doing one page per day!  I can’t wait to test the kids and see if they have picked up any more of the shapes as a result!  

Matching Sets
Just in case you are not familiar, the term “matching sets” means matching numerals to the correct quantity in a set.  So we started practicing matching sets this week, with the minimum goal of matching sets up to two.  But most of the kids can already match sets up to 6 or more.  So, just for practice, I wrote the numbers one through six on some index cards and asked the kids to place the correct number of blocks on each card.  Once they had it correct, they got to just play with the blocks.  The children that needed more practice worked with a parent volunteer on it for a while before they played.  I love having volunteers!

Scissor Skills
Some of the children in the class needed extra practice using scissors, so I had my volunteers pull the children out to work on this for some one-on-one practice.  I couldn’t really find any good quality scissor practice pages online so I just decided to make my own, and share them with you here today, free! I hope they come in handy!

Here’s The Scissors Song from our Classroom Management DVD!

Hidden Sight Word – The
We’ve been working on the quintessential beginning sight word, “the.”  It’s the mother of all sight words!  And most of my little TKs have it down, I tell you!   And only a few of them have turned five!  LOL!  You can get these Hidden Sight Word Worksheets here, and you can even pick up a free sample of the sight word “the,” here, too!

We REALLY like the “the” song!!!  It’s our favorite… (until we do the next song, ha ha!)  Then that one is our favorite.    You can get it here:  Sing and Spell Volume 1 DVD .

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