Getting Ready for Kindergarten: Summer School at Home, Week 7!
Welcome to Summer School at Home with HeidiSongs, Week Seven! This week I will be sharing my favorite Pinterest "Pins" (pictures posted on Pinterest) that could be used at home or in the classroom to help children learn or prepare for the skills typically taught at the beginning of the year in Kindergarten. I hope you enjoy it, and that it will help your little ones get ready for Kindergarten! And enjoy the rest of your summer- whatever happens to be left of it! This is a really great book with a comforting message and a practical strategy for helping kids feel that their parents are still "close by," even when they are not within view. Here's a neat idea I found on Pinterest that would work great for family names or classroom names alike! It came from the blog called Katie's Nesting Spot. She calls it the Family Name Tracing Book. All you have to do is write each child's name with a dotted line, and put a picture next to i...