
Showing posts from July, 2019

Getting Ready for Kindergarten: Summer School at Home, Week 7!

Welcome to Summer School at Home with HeidiSongs, Week Seven!  This week I will be sharing my favorite Pinterest "Pins" (pictures posted on Pinterest) that could be used at home or in the classroom to help children learn or prepare for the skills typically taught at the beginning of the year in Kindergarten. I hope you enjoy it, and that it will help your little ones get ready for Kindergarten!  And enjoy the rest of your summer- whatever happens to be left of it! This is a really great book with a comforting message and a practical strategy for helping kids feel that their parents are still "close by," even when they are not within view. Here's a neat idea I found on Pinterest that would work great for family names or classroom names alike!  It came from the blog called Katie's Nesting Spot.  She calls it the Family Name Tracing Book.  All you have to do is write each child's name with a dotted line, and put a picture next to i...

A Back to School Round Up! (FREEBIES!)

Here are a few Back to School blog posts that I hope will help and inspire you as you start your new school year! :) FREE Art Projects for the First Week of Pre-K or Kinder! No TK Curriculum? No Problem! Kindergarten Lesson Plans, Week One An Introduction to Calendar Books! (FREEBIES!) What to do on the Second Day of Kindergarten! First Week of TK: What's Working? I hope these give you some good resources and fun ideas!! Happy teaching!! -Heidi :) ---------------------------------- Follow me! Did you enjoy this post? Do me a favor and share it with your friends! And follow this blog by signing up for my email updates here , or follow on Bloglovin' , or follow me on TPT ! I'm also on Pinterest , Facebook , Twitter , Instagram ,  Google+ and YouTube , too! Don't forget to sign up for our email newsletter for special deals and promo codes that you won't find out about anywhere else.

Getting Through a Lesson WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS!

If you are having trouble getting through a lesson without interruptions, then you’ll be happy to hear that this is simply a classroom management skill you can learn by changing just a few things!  It’s actually a collection of teaching habits that allow you to control the flow of the lesson. So here are my best tips on dealing with interruptions, blurters, potty needs, and a host of other things! I bet we’ve all been there.  Imagine this:  You’ve just started a lesson.  Someone raises their hand to ask to use the restroom.  Then someone else also wants to go.  You begin your lesson again.  A child begins to whine that she is tired or hungry.  Another raises a hand to ask for a tissue.  You start your lesson again.  A child hits or kicks someone because the other child was looking at him or breathing in his direction.  And on it goes! Tips for Getting Through a Lesson Without Interruptions A lively, intelligent, and det...

Bunny Teeth Subtraction (Freebie!)

Are you ready for a fun, spring math activity? I had a brainstorm last week and came up with this little gem: Bunny Teeth Subtraction ! I'm so excited for this, because it reminds me of Shark Teeth Addition ($3 download!) and also Loose Tooth Subtraction (freebie!), and they were both SUPER fun! So if you enjoyed those activities, just check this one out! Bunny Teeth Subtraction Description: This is a fun activity to help children practice beginning subtraction skills. It can be done in either a small or large group setting. These worksheets and workmats are organized so that you can teach children to practice finding differences from three or four first, then five, six, and so on up to ten. I  recommend that you begin with the smallest numbers first (differences from three and four) and then work your way up to the larger numbers. Preparation: Note: The best way to teach any math concept is to start with manipulatives, and then move to pictures, and then...