Get Ready For The Holidays!

Can you believe Christmas is coming ALREADY??? Whew! Here are a few FUN ideas and activities for you to try this month to help GET READY for the holidays! :) Counting, bulletin boards, singable books (of course!) and more! 1. Ice Cube Trays in Sets of TEN! I found these ice cube trays at the local 99 Cent Only Store. The kids love to count the holiday erasers, putting them into the slots so that they are grouped in sets of ten. We do this same activity at other times of year with other themed objects, such as spiders near Halloween, or farm animals when we study our farm unit. Generally, I use my Count-Ten trays that I got from Cuisenaire for this. But you could also just use plain old egg cartons and cut them down so that there would be only ten spaces. The great thing about using this sort of tool is that it forces the children to group quantities into sets of ten as they count. This works great, especially if you are working with ten frames. (In case yo...