Common Core Literacy Centers: Phonics Spoons!
I have been working on creating a presentation that includes Common Core State Standard aligned independent literacy center activities for a while now, and I thought it would be fun to share some of them with you starting today and continuing on for the next couple of posts. I hope you enjoy them! I would love to know about your favorite kinds of learning centers, too! So if you have blog posts or pins to share, please let me know with a comment below. Phonics Spoons I adapted this little idea from one that I saw on Pinterest a while ago. ( Click here to see the original idea from the blog called The Organized Jewish Home . ) I repinned it from Vanessa Levin’s Pre-K Pages Alphabet Ideas Pinterest Board . Anyway, one good idea leads to another! I loved the idea of using a solid color spoon together with a clear spoon to match things up, so as I thought about it a bit more, (and prayed about it, too!), another idea came to me for maki...